Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Casting "Quarto Vazio (aka Empty Rooms)," a short film. Synopsis: This is a short and sweet scene between two characters from different worlds. He, a mysterious figure, is a world traveler who teaches Portuguese in New York for his own pleasure. She, tired and disillusioned with the dating scene, al...
Actors, Actors that sing & Singers required for theatre 2024-25 season in Denver. Note that auditions are in New York. Please apply for further information....
Actors, Actors that sing & Singers required for theatre 2024-25 season in Denver. Note that auditions are in New York. Please apply for further information....
Actors, Actors that sing & Singers required for theatre 2024-25 season in Denver. Note that auditions are in New York. Please apply for further information....
Actors, Actors that sing & Singers required for theatre 2024-25 season in Denver. Note that auditions are in New York. Please apply for further information....
Casting male talent with dark circles, wrinkles and any skin issues for our upcoming male skincare production. Note: The production will involve application and fun social media contents. Ideal candidates should be comfortable speaking and applying skincare in front of camera....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Casting male talent with dark circles, wrinkles and any skin issues for our upcoming male skincare production. Note: The production will involve application and fun social media contents. Ideal candidates should be comfortable speaking and applying skincare in front of camera....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Casting male talent with dark circles, wrinkles and any skin issues for our upcoming male skincare production. Note: The production will involve application and fun social media contents. Ideal candidates should be comfortable speaking and applying skincare in front of camera....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
Hi all doing the Casting a short film for the LADMA and RD studio's 48-hour film festival....
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