About the project: A fabulously fun award-winning musical based on the adored movie, Legally Blonde The Musical, follows the transformation of Elle Woods as she tackles stereotypes and scandal in pursuit of her dreams. With the support of some new friends, though, Elle quickly realizes her potential...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
In this highly theatrical escapade, oddball female roommates Sherlock (yes, it’s also a girl’s name—wait, is it a girl’s name? SYNOPSIS: In the tranquil hush of a library that straddles the U.S. – Canada border, life is about to change. Bonded in their youth as outsiders, they now navigate the compl...
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