Casting "Incarnated," a horror film by Johns Hopkins University (feat. New York University and Columbia University) film students. Synopsis: Annika and Kevin, accompanied by their daughter Christina, arrived at a seaside vacation villa to spend their holiday. Annika encountered a series of unexplain...
Following the acclaim of Ray of Sunshine and the success of Command Season 1, we’re excited to cast for Command Season 2. With just a touch, he can control others, a power that holds life-changing potential but brings grave risks and moral dilemmas. Season 2 will introduce new faces and test existin...
Pair a curriculum acting class with an instrument class to receive a $125 discount Call the Conservatory at 202.232.0714 We invite you to join us this spring for an online semester of time-honored training, including several brand new classes and workshops! • Explore your potential in a beginning ac...
Casting two actors for a scene recreation assignment! Looking to shoot in mid-April with a project completion date in early May! Production states "A little about me: I am in my second year of a film MFA at American University, with varied experience in writing, directing, cinematography, and editin...
Casting two actors for a scene recreation assignment! Looking to shoot in mid-April with a project completion date in early May! Production states "A little about me: I am in my second year of a film MFA at American University, with varied experience in writing, directing, cinematography, and editin...
Casting two actors for a scene recreation assignment! Looking to shoot in mid-April with a project completion date in early May! Production states "A little about me: I am in my second year of a film MFA at American University, with varied experience in writing, directing, cinematography, and editin...
Casting two actors for a scene recreation assignment! Looking to shoot in mid-April with a project completion date in early May! Production states "A little about me: I am in my second year of a film MFA at American University, with varied experience in writing, directing, cinematography, and editin...
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