Casting local actors around the Baltimore area in "Killer Hotel," a murder mystery/student film. Synopsis: The couple, Farrah and Carson book a hotel to rest at before going to the beach for a vacation with their friend William. They end up discovering that William has been murdered in his hotel roo...
Casting "The BA," a scripted show. Production states: "An independent project based on my life experience becoming a behavior analyst. Through my eyes, it shows what I was going through in my personal life and professional life plus others going through the program with me." The final project will b...
Casting "Angela," a feature film that will be shot in Baltimore, MD....
Casting two lead roles in "Roadside Assistance," a short film to depict how adults live with long-term diagnoses early in life. Although the story is fictional, the project highlights how HIV impacts members of the LGBTQ+ community every day....
Casting Equity actors for roles in “Mary Stuart.”...
Casting a parody of the beloved Peanuts characters that centers on the token black male experience....
Casting b-roll filming for a nonprofit video about restorative justice in schools....
Casting background actors to play employees in a short film. See the details below. About the project: Logline: Matthew, a new hire's first day of work is turned upside down when he finds out his firm is launching a reboot of the bible with a black Jesus. Rate: This is an unpaid gig, but lunch and n...
Casting call for actors for "Life Is a Journey" project. Please see the details below. Rate: Day rates will be paid to all actors. Additional info: Genre: Drama. Shoot Dates: TBD....
Casting "The Murder Mystery Co." in Baltimore. Seeking actors for improv-heavy immersive theater experiences across the country. As an actor with American Immersion Theater, talent will be making a difference in the lives of the clients and their guests. Whether it’s at a murder mystery, a princess ...
Casting "Exposed," a student film. Synopsis: A young, ambitious journalist will have her first high-profile live interview with the President. The country is on the verge of a significant war, externally and internally. After a series of questions, the interview takes a dangerous course....
Now casting for short film "Unbroken Faith". Seeking cast. ONLY LOCAL, DC & VA TALENT WILL BE CONSIDERED. Rate: Some paid roles. Please include in the subject line "UF & the role you're applying for"....
Casting "Boxed In," a short film. Logline: When a man opens a cursed box in his basement, he unleashes a night of supernatural terror that may cost him his life. Synopsis: Jean’s quiet night becomes a nightmare when he discovers a mysterious box in his basement. Inside, he finds a tooth wrapped in b...
Casting men and women for "Invazion," a short film that combines drama and comedy. Further details can be found below. About the project: Tormented by the abuse of her lover, denaé aims to rid herself of her destitute life. Alas, she's driven into a corner, and now must make a decision. Whether it b...
Casting and seeking crew for "Flipped," a short student film. Logline: A self-proclaimed Prince’s lavish façade unravels when he’s kidnapped by his indebted professor, forcing him to confront his lies and discover the true value of authenticity....
Casting several roles for the dramatic recreations in a documentary-style true crime television series. Please review more details below. Rate: $250/day. Must self-report. Please put the role for which you are submitting in the subject line....
Casting ''Under the Lights'' a student film. Logline: A music industry darling gets caught up in a whirlwind of emotions, and is forced to reexamine what she truly wants when the lines between her public and private life become blurry....
Casting actors for "Midnight," a short film. Logline: A grocery store worker crosses paths with a troubled young woman, sparking a quiet but profound connection. As their encounters deepen, he becomes drawn into her world, forcing both to confront life-altering choices....
Casting "Fisher Girl," a short film. Synopsis: a starving little girl sets out to catch a fish....
Casting actors for a series of micro shorts (films each under 1 minute) to be shot in or around Baltimore between October and November. Each short will focus on a different emotion. The process will be collaborative and each short will be filmed in under a day. Each project will be finished within 3...
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