Casting and seeking crew for an ongoing supernatural dramedy series. Based in the story world of the 1966 cult classic "Manos: The Hands of Fate."...
Casting "The Running Kind," an independent short film....
Casting "The Running Kind," an independent short film....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Seeking talent for Discovery Channel historical reenactment scenes. Note: Talent must be in San Jose area....
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
Casting "Grey Skies," a short fictional film involving a child with a strange love for grey skies and the mysterious reason why the child would fall in love with such skies....
Casting background actors for "My Poor Wife Is a Billionaire," a vertical episodic drama....
Casting background actors for "My Poor Wife Is a Billionaire," a vertical episodic drama....
Casting background actors for "My Poor Wife Is a Billionaire," a vertical episodic drama....
Casting background actors for "My Poor Wife Is a Billionaire," a vertical episodic drama....
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