Casting and seeking crew for the new season of "Chicagoland: Vampire Kindred," a series. Synopsis: A new Vampire group swarms into Chicagoland as they claim victims across the city. They find themselves warring against Vampires at a funeral home and a club/ haven that the vampires operate to recruit...
Casting and seeking crew for "Out of the Slaughterhouse," a short film. Production states: "My names Janae Moore and I will be shooting a short film this upcoming September and I'm on the hunt for a Cast and Crew! 'Out Of The SlaughterHouse' is my Intermediate Short Film at NYFA, wrapping up my firs...
Casting and seeking crew for "Out of the Slaughterhouse," a short film. Production states: "My names Janae Moore and I will be shooting a short film this upcoming September and I'm on the hunt for a Cast and Crew! 'Out Of The SlaughterHouse' is my Intermediate Short Film at NYFA, wrapping up my firs...
Casting and seeking crew for "Out of the Slaughterhouse," a short film. Production states: "My names Janae Moore and I will be shooting a short film this upcoming September and I'm on the hunt for a Cast and Crew! 'Out Of The SlaughterHouse' is my Intermediate Short Film at NYFA, wrapping up my firs...
Casting and seeking crew for "Out of the Slaughterhouse," a short film. Production states: "My names Janae Moore and I will be shooting a short film this upcoming September and I'm on the hunt for a Cast and Crew! 'Out Of The SlaughterHouse' is my Intermediate Short Film at NYFA, wrapping up my firs...
Ensure all your application information is up to date and in order before applying for this opportunity. Talent will be required to work on August 18th. Qualifications • Must have a big, engaging personality • Availability for the specified work date Responsibilities • Participate in the filming of ...
We are currently conducting a worldwide search for talent for various supporting roles in a new A24 feature film. We are looking for individuals who fit the descriptions below. No previous acting experience is required; we are seeking people who are open to new experiences. This is a paid opportunit...
Casting and seeking crew for "This Is Not a Fight Club," an addiction awareness short film. Most of, if not everything in this short is a deliberate message relating to addiction. The Title: The title of the short represents the denial that some experience when facing addiction (The sentence "this i...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting Call: Stand-In for NBC Show in Charleston, SC This is a fantastic opportunity for local talent to gain on-set experience. As a stand-in, you will be essential in helping the production team set up shots and lighting before the principal actors arrive. • No specific height requirements. • Mus...
Casting a young teen actor to be a stand-in as an ex-boyfriend (your face won't be shown) to the artist of the song and seeking crew for a music video. This song's genre is pop....
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