```html Acting Experience I began acting in college on stage in The 12th Night. I performed background in Baltimore Bullet. After retiring from the federal government (US Coast Guard coxswain, Correctional Officer, Mediator, Investigator), I started working background as a CIA Analyst and news repor...
```html Acting Experience I began acting in college on stage in The 12th Night. I performed background in Baltimore Bullet. After retiring from the federal government (US Coast Guard coxswain, Correctional Officer, Mediator, Investigator), I started working background as a CIA Analyst and news repor...
Are you an individual who's always wanted to dabble in the spooky stuff?! New to the haunt scene and aren't sure where to begin? Soul Reapers Haunted House is hiring for the October 2024 Scare season. We're looking for actors (both new and seasoned), make up artists, security/grounds crew and builde...
Are you an individual who's always wanted to dabble in the spooky stuff?! New to the haunt scene and aren't sure where to begin? Soul Reapers Haunted House is hiring for the October 2024 Scare season. We're looking for actors (both new and seasoned), make up artists, security/grounds crew and builde...
Safety Standards: Our company uses the Community Standards for Theatre for Colorado The Loose Screws is seeking adult improv actors. All ethnicities, identities, and abilities are welcome to audition. The troupe specializes in short-form improv, with some short/long form hybrid pieces in their reper...
We are looking for someone high energy, with acting and improvisational skills who can think quickly on their feet and provide an outstanding experience for every guest. If you are passionate about storytelling, have a flair for the dramatic, and possess the skills mentioned above, we invite you to ...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Seeking talent and crew for "DoGTMO." Note: August 2024 is likely our final month of filming....
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Seeking talent and crew for "DoGTMO." Note: August 2024 is likely our final month of filming....
As Bruce the Goose you will enhance the school spirit of the Dearborn Wolverines at events and across the university. Key Responsibilities: • Attend specified events to meet and greet students • Attend photo opportunities in and around the event venue, and encourage crowd participation • Embody Bruc...
As Bruce the Goose you will enhance the school spirit of the Dearborn Wolverines at events and across the university. Key Responsibilities: • Attend specified events to meet and greet students • Attend photo opportunities in and around the event venue, and encourage crowd participation • Embody Bruc...
As Bruce the Goose you will enhance the school spirit of the Dearborn Wolverines at events and across the university. Key Responsibilities: • Attend specified events to meet and greet students • Attend photo opportunities in and around the event venue, and encourage crowd participation • Embody Bruc...
Story Samurai is a company based in Denver, CO that focuses on the power of storytelling for career success. The ideal candidate will possess a natural ability to connect with audiences, exhibit a positive and likable demeanor, and demonstrate exceptional interviewing skills. Responsibilities: • Hos...
The film will be an equally meaningful, witty, entertaining, and poignant film with social justice themes. We are filming in August, 2024 in the North Bay Area, California. Please only submit if you are local to the Bay Area. Carefully read and follow the directions located in the role or position y...
Seeking a robust cast and crew for "Me Without Myself" a feature film with limited theatrical release. Synopsis: After running away from his family, 16 year old Lyle is sent away to a prominent therapeutic boarding upstate. There, he forms a bond with a staff member and realizes he’s been in denial ...
Seeking a robust cast and crew for "Me Without Myself" a feature film with limited theatrical release. Synopsis: After running away from his family, 16 year old Lyle is sent away to a prominent therapeutic boarding upstate. There, he forms a bond with a staff member and realizes he’s been in denial ...
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