Casting "Notorious Nymphs Never Die" a pilot film to kick off a larger series of mixed media. Synopsis: A group of vigilante's kidnaps a police chief's son in a revenge driven, ransom thriller where everything that can go wrong, does. I apologize for the many delays, the pre production crew is just ...
Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting and seeking crew for "Drug," a student film aimed at warning people to stay away from drugs. Synopsis: The story follows an outgoing young woman who dreams of becoming a writer. One day, she accidentally takes drugs after being persuaded by others. At the same time, her writing suddenly gain...
Casting "Swim," a short film by Bella Reeves. Logline: Follows Claire, a biracial Vietnamese-American on a camping trip with her family. In hopes of connecting with her Vietnamese mother, Claire attempts to teach her how to swim. Written and directed by Bella Reeves, the film has been in the pre-pro...
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting "Swim," a short film by Bella Reeves. Logline: Follows Claire, a biracial Vietnamese-American on a camping trip with her family. In hopes of connecting with her Vietnamese mother, Claire attempts to teach her how to swim. Written and directed by Bella Reeves, the film has been in the pre-pro...
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew for 'On A Lonely Winter Night...', an independent arthouse film about loneliness, modernity and faith....
Casting and seeking crew to create multiple stand alone scenes / short films. The purpose is to build skill sets by filming across a wide range of genres. At the same time, will build reels to expand portfolios. Each shoot will be one day or less total. Production states: "We improve by doing someth...
```html Acting Experience I began acting in college on stage in The 12th Night. After retiring from the federal government (US Coast Guard coxswain, Correctional Officer, Mediator, Investigator), I started working background as a CIA Analyst and news reporter in Torchwood. I went on to work on Heart...
```html Acting Experience I began acting in college on stage in The 12th Night. After retiring from the federal government (US Coast Guard coxswain, Correctional Officer, Mediator, Investigator), I started working background as a CIA Analyst and news reporter in Torchwood. I went on to work on Heart...
```html Acting Experience I began acting in college on stage in The 12th Night. I performed background in Baltimore Bullet. After retiring from the federal government (US Coast Guard coxswain, Correctional Officer, Mediator, Investigator), I started working background as a CIA Analyst and news repor...
Casting and seeking crew to create multiple stand alone scenes / short films. The purpose is to build skill sets by filming across a wide range of genres. At the same time, will build reels to expand portfolios. Each shoot will be one day or less total. Production states: "We improve by doing someth...
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