Seeking talent and crew for "Fear," a passion project short experimental thriller film that focuses on shifts in reality, perception, and memory. Synopsis: When Kelsey Munroe comes banging on the front door of the protagonist's home one night, in fear of her life, the protagonist is thrust into a se...
Casting and seeking crew for "Peace Unto You," the sequel to the film "The Jesus Freak" (available on Prime). Production states: "The film will debut globally on Amazon Prime and Fawesome Streaming Service."...
Casting and seeking crew for "Darkest Betrayal of Love," a LGBT series on Youtube about how a marriage can go wrong and love could be so sweet....
Casting and seeking crew for the stage play "IIAY The High School Musical." Production states: "Located in Killeen, Texas the largest military installation in the US. This event is sure to be a staple in our community."...
Casting and looking for additional crew for the movie "Peace Unto You," the sequel to the film "The Jesus Freak" (available on Prime). The film will debut globally on Amazon Prime and Fawesome Streaming Service....
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