Casting "Finding Grace," a coming-of-age student film. Synopsis: A freshman in college struggles to find her place in a new environment, caught between fitting in with her new roommates and staying true to herself. Finding her faith is her turning point guiding her toward peace. There will be little...
Casting "Finding Grace," a coming-of-age student film. Synopsis: A freshman in college struggles to find her place in a new environment, caught between fitting in with her new roommates and staying true to herself. Finding her faith is her turning point guiding her toward peace. There will be little...
Casting "Finding Grace," a coming-of-age student film. Synopsis: A freshman in college struggles to find her place in a new environment, caught between fitting in with her new roommates and staying true to herself. Finding her faith is her turning point guiding her toward peace. There will be little...
Casting for "The Narc I Knew," a mockumentary of narcissistic abuse and narcissism. The idea was born out of the EP's personal experience with a narcissist, and she was later diagnosed as suffering from narcissistic abuse. This project is meant to give the world a visual of the seriousness of narcis...
URGENT CASTING NOTICE. ACTOR DROPPED DUE TO ILLNESS. Sibling Sizzle is a comedy short film created by students at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The film will be submitted to multiple festivals. The film will be shot in Buckhead, Atlanta....
URGENT CASTING NOTICE. ACTOR DROPPED DUE TO ILLNESS. Sibling Sizzle is a comedy short film created by students at the Savannah College of Art and Design. The film will be submitted to multiple festivals. The film will be shot in Buckhead, Atlanta....
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