Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Blood Work," a play. Synopsis: Ten generations of women converge in this epic journey across time and space in the name of deep healing. As 35-year-old Neisha wrestles with a mysterious disease, her entire mother line emerges from the past to save her (and in turn...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Blood Work," a play. Synopsis: Ten generations of women converge in this epic journey across time and space in the name of deep healing. As 35-year-old Neisha wrestles with a mysterious disease, her entire mother line emerges from the past to save her (and in turn...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Blood Work," a play. Synopsis: Ten generations of women converge in this epic journey across time and space in the name of deep healing. As 35-year-old Neisha wrestles with a mysterious disease, her entire mother line emerges from the past to save her (and in turn...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Blood Work," a play. Synopsis: Ten generations of women converge in this epic journey across time and space in the name of deep healing. As 35-year-old Neisha wrestles with a mysterious disease, her entire mother line emerges from the past to save her (and in turn...
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting "Welcome," a student film....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Blood Work," a play. Synopsis: Ten generations of women converge in this epic journey across time and space in the name of deep healing. As 35-year-old Neisha wrestles with a mysterious disease, her entire mother line emerges from the past to save her (and in turn...
We’re looking to fill the male roles, but we're not limiting this to male actors. If you’re a woman and feel that you can deliver a powerful performance in one of these male roles, feel free to apply. Seeking a diverse cast of actors who sing/singers who act - for "Vanya!" a musical adaptation of Ch...
Casting "The Kitty," a short film about a 1920's poker game where the ante is a human life....
We’re looking to fill the male roles, but we're not limiting this to male actors. If you’re a woman and feel that you can deliver a powerful performance in one of these male roles, feel free to apply. Seeking a diverse cast of actors who sing/singers who act - for "Vanya!" a musical adaptation of Ch...
Casting "The Kitty," a short film about a 1920's poker game where the ante is a human life....
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