Comedy drama that will be sent to festivals when completed. You can find me on IMDb Jacques Aldridge Casting for the strong supporting character Donovan Snails, a wealthy self-published poet preparing for his first interview by legitimate media in "Daou Sipping," a feature film. Age range 40 + Note:...
Casting "Middle-Men," a short film. Synopsis: Mismatched partners, Valentino and Lance, work around their conflicting personalities to deliver a briefcase, when a mistake embarks the pair on a chaotic quest. Their journey is met with comedic misadventures and dangerous confrontations, leading to a t...
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
casting for the strong supporting character Donovan Snails, a wealthy self published poet preparing for his first interview by legitimate media. (Also casting for ANY actor that can maintain a British accent)...
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
Models the Target Optical Personal Style Dress Code. * Creates an amazing Guest experience on every visit by accurately fitting and dispensing fashionable product to Guests. * Follows all operating...
Looking for AEA and Non-Union actors for Cygnet Theatre’s upcoming production of Other Desert Cities by Jon Robin Baitz. Non-Union Actors are encouraged to come on the day of the audition. After Hollywood, she chose to support her husband Lyman during his time as a politician. She is conservative, b...
Casting Call for Commercial Production, please see the details below. Rate: Paid Additional info: Production Dates: Monday, November 11th, 2024 Tuesday, November 12th, 2024 Full-day shoots on both dates When applying, please include headshots....
Our Marketing Manager Trainees are a crucial element in building that culture acting as a compass guiding our team to superb success. We have made a commitment to our Marketing Manager Trainee and...
Communicates project expectations to team members and stakeholders in a timely and clear fashion. * Advises clients and colleagues on topics such as climate control systems, energy modeling, data...
Department Description: A joint venture of The Old Globe and the University of San Diego, the Master of Fine Arts in Acting program nationally recruits seven students each year to participate in an intensive two-year, year-round course of graduate study in Classical and Contemporary Theatre. The Hea...
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
Casting ''Brother Diaries'' a student film. Logline: About a sister who reaches her breaking point and unleashes years of pent up anger towards him the day before she leaves for college....
Casting "First Time Free," a short film. Synopsis: This movie explores the life of three young friends on their way home from school who catch sight of a lonely boy in a wheelchair who is never quite able to leave his home due to his overprotective mother, and the decision that is made to help break...
Seeking men in their late 30s-early 40s for Cheech and Chong's edible brand Cruise Chews....
Casting "Mark by Death," a student film. Logline: Follows a teacher who has a dark side hustle as a hitman....
Casting "Monster in the Closet," a student film. Synopsis: A teen girl struggling to grow up who is forced to face the "monsters in her closet" to overcome her anxiety and heal her younger self....
Casting "#EYEcandy," a student film. A short student thesis film about a young woman rising in the fashion industry as a model. A psychological drama/thriller. She discovers she is pregnant (will not be showing) and now must navigate her career and relationships. Inspiration comes from fashion campa...
Casting the role of a newscaster or broadcaster in a short scene in the latest project for brand campaign. This role involves delivering a professional news segment as part of a scripted performance, contributing to the overall tone and impact of the piece. Note: This is a paid position, and the spo...
Casting an ad for an at-home whiskey ice maker, which will include how-to, recipe, and lifestyle content....
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