Casting "First Time Free," a short film. Synopsis: This movie explores the life of three young friends on their way home from school who catch sight of a lonely boy in a wheelchair who is never quite able to leave his home due to his overprotective mother, and the decision that is made to help break...
Want to apply Read all the information about this position below, then hit the apply button. Entertain guests by taking them on a journey back in time by touring the Key West Shipwrecking Treasures Museum! We Offer : • Competitive pay and paid training : $18 per hour • All FT Employees are eligible ...
Casting "Monster in the Closet," a student film. Synopsis: A teen girl struggling to grow up who is forced to face the "monsters in her closet" to overcome her anxiety and heal her younger self....
Casting "Last Halloween Scare," a coming of age found footage horror movie. Three mid-teens (male or female) grapple with becoming adults. They discuss if they're too old to trick or treat. They decide on a prank that may cost them their lives....
Salary: $20.00 per hour CA&M, Inc. a small business dedicated to providing exceptional creative talent that supports federal training programs, is currently accepting resumes from Actors in the San Diego area to support Standardized Patient programs at Naval Medical Center San Diego. We are looking ...
Seeking an actors for Tokyo and model and dancer in San Diego...
Casting "Owen's Secret", a graduate-level SDSU thesis film. After meeting a boy who gives him the courage to come out, Owen faces a profound and unexpected obstacle in revealing his true self to his father....
Casting an immersive 180° "Choose Your Own Adventure" style interactive VR video. Synopsis: It is about two college roommates from different cultural backgrounds who struggle with biases and cultural insensitivity. The VR experience allows the viewer to take the perspective of characters as they nav...
Salary: $20.00 per hour CA&M, Inc. a small business dedicated to providing exceptional creative talent that supports federal training programs, is currently accepting resumes from Actors in the San Diego area to support Standardized Patient programs at Naval Medical Center San Diego. We are looking ...
Casting "Mark by Death," a student film. Logline: Follows a teacher who has a dark side hustle as a hitman....
Casting an adaptation of the fan-fiction “Hide and Kill,” set after the events of "The Pink Panther" and before "A Shot in the Dark," which humorously explores the initial, quirky relationship between Inspector Jacques Clouseau and his manservant Cato Fong, a man in such a position who needs help to...
Seeking participants for a 1:1 style interview with personal finance expert, Romain Faure....
Casting for "Chingado", a short film. Synopsis: After a few months of dating without having sex, Grace & Tomas have been an official monogamous couple for about 1 week. After Tomas tries to initiate sex for the first time, Grace has to reveal that she's recently contracted herpes....
Casting Talent for a fun office style video and photo shoot. Note: Talent will pose in location as well as deliver scripted lines to camera....
Casting and seeking crew for "Fading Flora," a short experimental film. Logline: Madeleine, an up-and-coming scientist has her world turned upside down after she finds out she is pregnant. As she attempts to navigate this uncertain future with her husband, her reality starts to shift to a nightmaris...
Casting 'Last Halloween Scare'. A coming of age found footage horror movie. Three mid teens (male or female) grapple with becoming adults. They discuss if they're too old to trick or treat. They decide on a prank that may cost them their lives....
Casting for an immersive, interactive VR video about two college roommates from different cultural backgrounds who struggle with biases and cultural insensitivity. The VR experience allows the viewer to take the perspective of characters as they navigate a conflict scenario. At multiple points in th...
Casting "The Pirate's Parable," a short film shooting on a real pirate ship in San Diego. Synopsis: a morally righteous fisherman has an unbroken idolization that pirates are the coolest and most beloved beings, almost like superheroes. He finally gets the opportunity to try out for a Pirate Crew af...
As a Howl-O-Scream Scare Actor (Performer II), you'll take on a variety of responsibilities in helping create a lasting impact for guests at our Howl-O-Scream event. • Opportunity to collaboratively work with the production team on the continued growth of the Howl-O-Scream event at SeaWorld San Dieg...
Join us and help bring joy, excitement, and lasting memories to people from around the world. Join the Howl-O-Scream Scare Team at SeaWorld San Diego! As a Howl-O-Scream Scare Actor (Performer II), you'll dive into an array of chillingly fun responsibilities, ensuring our guests leave with lasting s...
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