Casting "Belle," a story that follows two girls (Joan and Belle) who meet at a party and start a relationship. After spending months together, Belle reveals she can not continue their relationship due to her conservative parents. Note: This production is directed by a minor but all communication, re...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting for "Breathe," a USC student film. Synopsis: After facing a fallout with a friend group, a teenage girl who suffers from anxiety must rekindle a relationship with her distant mother, the only person who has been able to successfully treat the daughter's mental problem. It will be a non-dialo...
Casting "Body Count," a surreal student short film about an actress who gets rejected to play the role of herself in her own story....
Casting "Body Count," a surreal student short film about an actress who gets rejected to play the role of herself in her own story....
Casting "Body Count," a surreal student short film about an actress who gets rejected to play the role of herself in her own story....
LankyBox is looking to cast 6 roles to act on the LankyBox YouTube channel (37+ million subs). The actors will be playing video games, reacting to videos, and making general YouTube content as a full-time job on a channel with 30+ million subscribers. This is a full-time paid, long-term project Star...
Seeking participants for Actors on Screen Festival, an engaging, one-of-a-kind, timely industry gathering connecting actors, casting directors, producers, agents, and writers. Production states: “This contest will help rising on-screen talent create and connect in the new Hollywood.” Very LOW Entry ...
Seeking participants for Actors on Screen Festival, an engaging, one-of-a-kind, timely industry gathering connecting actors, casting directors, producers, agents, and writers. Production states: “This contest will help rising on-screen talent create and connect in the new Hollywood.” Very LOW Entry ...
Seeking participants for Actors on Screen Festival, an engaging, one-of-a-kind, timely industry gathering connecting actors, casting directors, producers, agents, and writers. Production states: “This contest will help rising on-screen talent create and connect in the new Hollywood.” Very LOW Entry ...
Seeking participants for Actors on Screen Festival, an engaging, one-of-a-kind, timely industry gathering connecting actors, casting directors, producers, agents, and writers. Production states: “This contest will help rising on-screen talent create and connect in the new Hollywood.” Very LOW Entry ...
Knott’s Berry Farm (8189 Western Ave. Buena Park, CA 90620) This is not a maze/street monster audition. Those cast must be able available for all rehearsals and event dates. Please proceed to Western Employee Park Entrance where a Knott’s Berry Farm representative will escort applicants to the audit...
Casting people with interesting faces. Actors/Models. For portfolio use....
Casting call for Pest control TV commercial, please see the details below. ... Rate: Primary role rate is $40/hour (guaranteed minimum 4 hours pay per day if wrapped early) plus meals & refreshments during the shoot. Background extras will receive $16/hour plus meals & refreshments. Additional info:...
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