Casting "Static Glass," a mystery almost Twin Peaks-style thriller. Production states: "This Film is reserved to be entered into various film festivals around Boulder and Denver and beyond."...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting and seeking crew for "The Unseen," a short film that will be submitted to multiple film festivals. Logline: The film follows David, who starts to have a recurring nightmare, but when his dreams start to slip into reality, he needs the help of his psychiatrist to get his life back together....
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
Casting actors for film project, please see the details below. Davante maxed out the credit card and doesn’t have the money to pay it back. Rate: Unpaid And Guaranteed Film Credit. During shoot days directors will pay for food and will also help with transportation if needed. Additional info: SHOOT ...
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