Casting "Redline," a short film that offers a glimpse into a wicked society that confines a race to a box of poverty through malicious practices. "Redline" is presented as an installation film that captures the struggles, experiences, and emotions of Chicago’s troubled youth. Rather than following a...
The project "Chicago Actors in Bars" is a feature film that delves into the life of actors in Chicago through a series of vignettes set in various bars, taverns, and pubs. The casting is being handled by John Wesley Norton of 5/50 Films, who is looking for diverse talent to bring these characters to...
Casting Equity actors for roles in Timber Lake Playhouse's 2025 Season. Season includes: “Saturday Night Fever the Musical” (Nik Cohn, based on the Paramount/RSO Film and the story by; Robert Stigwood in collaboration with Bill Oakes, adapted for the stage by; Sean Cercone and David Abbinanti, North...
Casting "Queer Machines," a short film. Queer Machines is a love story told by touch. Amir meets Trevor after bartending his 30th birthday party. They go out. They fall in love....
Casting Call: SAG-AFTRA Commercial Extras Needed in Chicago Job Description: An upcoming SAG-AFTRA commercial is seeking extras for filming in Chicago. This is a great opportunity for SAG members in good standing to join a professional production. Participate as a background extra in a SAG-AFTRA com...
Casting and seeking crew for "Death by Alcohol," a short film about life and its struggles with alcoholism....
The Chicago based drama, Chicago Fire, is back in production in the Chicagoland area and the extras casting directors are looking to cast locals to the Chicago area that are available to work as paid background actors, in the next week. The NBC show Chicago PD is also currently filming in the area a...
Casting "Redline," a short film that offers a glimpse into a wicked society that confines a race to a box of poverty through malicious practices. "Redline" is presented as an installation film that captures the struggles, experiences, and emotions of Chicago’s troubled youth. Rather than following a...
Your ability to engage with audiences and convey emotions will be essential in creating memorable experiences. • Collaborate with directors, producers, and fellow actors to develop character interpretations and enhance overall performance. • Participate in promotional events and activities related t...
Casting "Wake Up, Lilly," a short film....
Casting "Somewhere In Between,'' a short film. Synopsis: A Chicago native bereaves the tragic death of his younger brother murdered at the hand of a pledging gang initiate. Failing to avenge his death, he later discovers his brother's existence in a supernatural realm, and ultimately, a path to heal...
Casting and seeking crew for "Assassin League: Episode III," a feature film. Production states: "The next chapter in the award-winning saga is based on the greatest action/thriller films but without the cliches."...
Casting "Alderman for a Day," a short film about a politician who switches places with his nagging constituent to teach him a valuable lesson....
This position is for two experienced male actors to participate in a narrative short film directed by an award-winning filmmaker in Chicago. The film explores a complex and intense relationship between two older gay men, requiring actors to portray emotional depth and intimacy. , • Ability to portra...
This is a fantastic opportunity to be part of the hit TV series, working as a non-speaking background performer. This specific casting call is for general background roles, with featured and director-selected roles to be announced separately. Ability to follow instructions and work as part of a larg...
Casting "Samantha," the female lead and "Ogden" for "Listen," a short horror film (approx. seven minutes running time). Synopsis: Someone, a man, whispers something in the ear of Ogden, Samantha's longtime boyfriend. Later that day Ogden takes his own life. For the next few months Samantha becomes o...
Casting lead roles in "Saturno," an Hispanic short film. Synopsis: A Mexican immigrant father and son in the Midwest selling products out of their broken old Saturn Vue. The two clash as Hectors (father) stress from not being able to provide for his family and Titos (son) birthday not being celebrat...
Casting "Strangers in a Dream," a Northwestern University Senior Directing film directed by Steven Yao. Synopsis: The film follows Wu, a Chinese immigrant attempting to earn a living in America in order to improve the lives of his family back home....
Casting "Beneath The Surface," a short student film. Synopsis: This film is about a teenage boy named Landon, who became homeless after his parents passed in a car accident. Landon repeats his routine of waking up, sitting by a fence with his sign, and goes back to his sleeping area, every day. As t...
The company is holding auditions for "In Bloom" New Works Series, please see the details below. Additional info: "We Pump Your Gas in Jersey" "Landscape" "Ding, Ding! HONK, HONK!" "The Kings Are Dead" When applying, please include a headshot and resume, your pronouns, the roles/readings you want to ...
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