About the project: Mary struggles to rebuild her life after serving time in prison for a tragic car accident that left her son, Sam, in a wheelchair. Leah, seemingly offering a friendly ear, engages Mary in conversation and suggests they take a drive together. Unbeknownst to Mary, this encounter set...
Casting and seeking crew for "This Is Not a Fight Club," an addiction awareness short film. Most of, if not everything in this short is a deliberate message relating to addiction. The Title: The title of the short represents the denial that some experience when facing addiction (The sentence "this i...
Casting and seeking crew for "The Day The Knight Died," a short student surreal drama film. Synopsis: A story surrounding a young father’s stages of grief. A roughly 5-page script with about a page of dialogue....
Casting "The Summertime," a feature film....
Casting for a YouTube channel @stanchris. Seeking an older actor to play an older version of me for a short film in Provincetown....
Casting "Temp Son," a narrative short film that focuses on Adam, an employee of FFS Accounting, who finds himself in a bind when the office announces a ‘bring your kid to work day’. Adam, who does not have a kid, but is still plotting to win the grand prize (A paid day off) hires Jayden, a child act...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting local non-union background actors for "The Old Breed," a paid short film shoot happening May 20-22 in the greater Boston area. This is a historical proof of concept short film taking place in Virginia in 1920, so we're looking for rugged types with longer hair, facial hair, no modern haircut...
Casting "Concerto," an Emerson College student film. Synopsis: After her husband's death, a grieving composer finds artistic rejuvenation and emotional healing through an unexpected connection....
Casting "Concerto," an Emerson College student film. Synopsis: After her husband's death, a grieving composer finds artistic rejuvenation and emotional healing through an unexpected connection....
Casting "Sandwich," a micro short film about the loss of a high school student's mother, and the way their culture impacted their relationship before and after her death....
Seeking crew and actors for a social commentary exploring media addiction, capitalism, and chronic loneliness. This is a senior student short film. Logline: A day in Bella's life explores how screens and modern society foster inorganic levels of disconnection....
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