Casting "Who's Left," a short film. Synopsis: In the wake of a tragedy, a group of young teens navigate the social politics and gossip of their age group while attending a candle-lit vigil. This film is meant to be a wholesome exploration of grief at a young age, and the things people don't know how...
Vertical Short Form ReelShort Production, Non-Union shooting in NYC, local hire only Logline: Hailey is forced to marry the comatose billionaire Samuel, who wakes up and pretends to be paralyzed to reclaim his family business. As he deceives her, he falls in love, deepening their relationship and dr...
Casting Equity actors for roles in "Ghosts."...
Casting male actors (ages 18-40) who sing for “A Christmas Carol,” a musical from Be Bold! Productions, an NYC-based theater company in its 16th season and in residence at the Historic Players Theatre in the West Village. Listen to an audio recording of this original musical here: https://www.dropbo...
Seeking Equity Actors who Sing for various roles in the production of HAIRSPRAY. Rehearsals: November 25, 2024 Closes: January 5, 2025 Auditions are in-person, however, video auditions are also available. For further information, please apply using your profile....
"A Fairytale" follows the journey of a mother and daughter through the stages of life, depicted through dance and intercut with montage scenes. Please note that the actor and actress who auditioned for the montage scenes are not required to dance; however, it will be helpful to know if you have any ...
Casting Equity actors for "The Irrepressible Magic Of The Tropics." Note: This is a World Premiere....
The new drama series films in the New York City area shortly and the background casting directors have issued a casting call for the roles that they are looking to fill. This photo double work will be shirtless. Production may apply temporary tattoos on your torso / arm. -Please do not submit if you...
Seeking Actors who Sing & Dance for various roles in the production of HAIRSPRAY. Rehearsals: November 25, 2024 Closes: January 5, 2024 For further information, please apply using your profile....
Seeking athletic male actor 30s-60s for acting reel/short film shoot in Brooklyn, NY. Experienced actors only....
$2.00 Night Shift and weekend Differential!! Actors Fund Home, an assisted living, skilled nursing, accredited dementia care and sub-acute rehabilitation center located in Englewood, NJ, and a recipient of a CMS Five Star Rating is seeking a Registered Nurses (RN) to provide direct nursing care to o...
**Overview:** We are seeking a talented and experienced lead actor to join our team. As a lead actor, you will be responsible for bringing characters to life on screen, working closely with directors and producers to ensure a high-quality final product. **Responsibilities:** • Perform in film produc...
Professional actor/actress needed to participate in informative social media videos for a healthcare practice. Enthusiasm and acting experience preferred. Filming biweekly in Jersey City. Twenty-five dollars per hour....
The scene we will be rehearsing is Scene 7 Act 1, where our oldest sibling "Renee" gets into an argument with her Husband "Mark" about how he believes she is too invested into her siblings lives. The days I would need for you to be at the Barrow Group is October 18th from 1-2 and November 8th from 1...
**Overview:** We are seeking talented actors and performers to participate in a free web design trade project with Michael Karpienski. In exchange for a social media performative shoutout, you will receive a professionally designed website to promote your work. **Responsibilities:** • Collaborate wi...
Casting "By Design," a New York City rom-com. Logline: A game developer enters into a love triangle with an older investment banker and a former college classmate....
Casting "Bad" a short film (3 minutes, one scene) in the drama/black comedy/crime genre. Filmmaker states: "It’s a small, passion-driven solo production where I serve as the director, cinematographer, colorist, and editor. The lead actress has already been cast, and we are now looking for a male act...
Casting "Against the Spotlight," a documentary exploring the trials, challenges, and triumphs of becoming a screen actor in New York City. This documentary will dive deep into the hustle, setbacks, and resilience required to make it in the entertainment industry....
Casting "Would You?" a junior-level NYU short drama for the Intermediate Narrative Workshop class. Logline: The story follows a young acting couple as they navigate the turbulence of their career through asking each other strange hypothetical questions. The questions begin innocently until they slow...
Seeking real people or actors with strong improvisation or comedic skills to shoot an 'on the street' style interviews about liver health for social media video series....
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