Casting "Trip to the Moon," a dark comedy feature film with a steampunk/Victorian aesthetic. Synopsis: While an evil force influences the people of Earth, Abraham Lincoln and his associates fight for freedom in a world gone mad. The shoot will take place on location and on studio green screen. The f...
Want to do the classics? Shakespeare curious? Casting for our ongoing theatre troupe for our next three plays. We are doing Shakespeare and Classical works as we have for the last 12 years. All Ages, all ethnicities, all types welcome!...
Want to do the classics? Shakespeare curious? Casting for our ongoing theatre troupe for our next three plays. We are doing Shakespeare and Classical works as we have for the last 12 years. All Ages, all ethnicities, all types welcome!...
Casting "Trip to the Moon," a dark comedy feature film with a steampunk/Victorian aesthetic. Synopsis: While an evil force influences the people of Earth, Abraham Lincoln and his associates fight for freedom in a world gone mad. The shoot will take place on location and on studio green screen. The f...
Casting a female Improv Actor (aged 25-35) for a reality TV show....
Want to do the classics? Shakespeare curious? Casting for our ongoing theatre troupe for our next three plays. We are doing Shakespeare and Classical works as we have for the last 12 years. All Ages, all ethnicities, all types welcome!...
Casting "Trip to the Moon," a dark comedy feature film with a steampunk/Victorian aesthetic. Synopsis: While an evil force influences the people of Earth, Abraham Lincoln and his associates fight for freedom in a world gone mad. The shoot will take place on location and on studio green screen. The f...
Casting call for independent short film. See the roles below. About the project: "The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and inevitable end. At its core it captures how it feels for someone to be your entire world, while they ...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Seeking collaborative, excited, talented actors to portray a variety of characters in over 10 shows done in rep. Company states: " IlluminArt Productions, a Staten Island-based non-profit performing arts company, is seeking collaborative actors who can play between the ages of 15-30 for its professi...
Casting call for independent short film. See the roles below. About the project: "The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and inevitable end. At its core it captures how it feels for someone to be your entire world, while they ...
See breakdown below. Rate: $1101 weekly minimum (Tier 4) Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. The audition process is open to all actors....
Seeking collaborative, excited, talented actors to portray a variety of characters in over 10 shows done in rep. Company states: " IlluminArt Productions, a Staten Island-based non-profit performing arts company, is seeking collaborative actors who can play between the ages of 15-30 for its professi...
Casting call for independent short film. See the roles below. About the project: "The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and inevitable end. At its core it captures how it feels for someone to be your entire world, while they ...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Seeking collaborative, excited, talented actors to portray a variety of characters in over 10 shows done in rep. Company states: " IlluminArt Productions, a Staten Island-based non-profit performing arts company, is seeking collaborative actors who can play between the ages of 15-30 for its professi...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Casting and seeking crew for "Left," an independent short film by Fae Hartt, a queer professional actor, writer, and producer in NYC. Synopsis: The story follows Artemis as she falls in love with one of her best friends and moves through their relationship and the inevitable end. At its core, it cap...
Casting ''Friday and Friday'' a feature length film. Logline: Brothers who happen to be cops who are sent to an apartment complex as punishment but discover an illegal gun ring. Production states: The film stars Ronald E Smith II and Winston Green star as brothers."...
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